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Life Path Magazine Featured Artist IDIVINE aka Ahzjah

Hi, This is Ahzjah, Publisher of Life Path Magazine. I am life design coach ,producer, art director, presenter, writer, business owner, passionate about utilizing multimedia and a creative way to share life transforming information, songwriter,performer and more! I encourage you to be all that you can be! Reach for your highest high and greatest potential. In different phases and cycles of my life I have felt and continue to feel a pull towards a variety of things, places and people. Sometimes its music, sometimes its anything creative, sometimes it's a cause. Sometimes it's internal in nature, sometimes it's external in nature. Whatever that thing is, I'm steered by my inner guidance system. It's my internal compass made up of intuition, visions, dreams, higher power and more. It never steers me wrong.

Life is about evolution. Allow yourself to evolve and grow and transform. It's all you, it's all good. Just be authentic and be you! Let go of the old and what no longer appears to be in alignment with who you are today. It's okay to change.

Join me in celebration of my new cd FREEDOM: Force of Nature, & my new single, Born 2B Free and my Art of You: Building Your Inner Empire workshop series coming up soon! Celebrate the power of conscious choice and the freedom to choose another route, path, decision or whatever brings you closer to your joy,peace, abundnce, and love! Don't be afraid. It's waiting for you.

To hear more music or purchase visit and stay tune for more about my freedom movement. ONE, Ahzjah

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