Awaken to Vibrant Living in 2016! Illuminate the path with a free 15 minute life coaching intro sess

Here we are again, at the start of a new gregorian cycle and disappointed about all we didn't accomplish in 2014. Flip the switch. Part of vibrant living means acknowledging the great things that were experienced and accomplished, in addition to the disappointments. For both play a role in our personal evolution. Embrace it ALL. Learn from it ALL. Then proceed with dignity, courage, excitement and openness to the next triumph, challenge and chapter of each moment, day, and year. The positive things that occur each year, usually far outweigh the not so good stuff. The not so good stuff seems to be larger than life at times, but are they really or do we just make it so! Here's a new quote to consider.
The small things aren't so small and the big things aren't so big, until we make them so. What you focus on expands. So consider what you focus on each day, each hour, each moment and you'll see why you have what you have. Your perception of things can change your experience and response to them. Give it a try and you'll have the opportunity to experience more joy in your daily life.
Book an Art of You or Life Coaching session for 2015 and experience the path to vibrant living!